American Atheists - Organization advocating for the civil rights of freethinking and non-religious citizens and for the separation of church and state.
Apostasy Project - Stories, articles, and advice for and by people who have left religion.
Atheist Alliance - International organization advocating for secular and freethinking individuals around the world.
The Clergy Project - A secure, anonymous network for religious professionals and clergy who are privately or publicly doubting or irreligious.
Freedom From Religion Foundation - Organization advancing secularism and advocating for the separation of church and state.
Grief Beyond Belief - [From their website] The aim of Grief Beyond Belief is to facilitate peer-to-peer grief support for atheists, Humanists, and other Freethinkers by providing spaces free of religion, spiritualism, mysticism, and evangelism in which to share sorrow and offer the comfort of rational compassion.
Freedom From Religion Foundation - Organization advancing secularism and advocating for the separation of church and state.
Grief Beyond Belief - [From their website] The aim of Grief Beyond Belief is to facilitate peer-to-peer grief support for atheists, Humanists, and other Freethinkers by providing spaces free of religion, spiritualism, mysticism, and evangelism in which to share sorrow and offer the comfort of rational compassion.
Hotline Project (1-84-I-Doubt-It) - A real-time support network for those questioning religion or dealing with negative experiences within their religious traditions.
The Humanist Society - Provides celebrant services and resources for secular couples looking for non-religious partnership officiants.
Parenting Beyond Belief - Information and publications for secular parents.
The Humanist Society - Provides celebrant services and resources for secular couples looking for non-religious partnership officiants.
Parenting Beyond Belief - Information and publications for secular parents.
Patheos: Hosting the Conversation on Faith - A leading independent source for news and commentary about religion, faith, and spirituality offering both theist and non-theist perspectives.
Recovering from Religion - An organization that supports individuals struggling with the process of leaving religion. RFR supports the Secular Therapy Project and the Hotline Project as well as local support groups across the country.
Secular Organizations for Sobriety - [From their website] SOS is a nonprofit network of autonomous, nonprofessional local groups dedicated solely to helping individuals achieve and maintain sobriety. There are groups meeting in many cities throughout the US and other countries.
Secular Student Alliance - A national organization that sponsors campus clubs for atheist, agnostic, secular, and freethinking college students.
The Secular Therapy Project - A service to connect secular individuals with understanding and compassionate counselors and psychologists across the country.
Recovering from Religion - An organization that supports individuals struggling with the process of leaving religion. RFR supports the Secular Therapy Project and the Hotline Project as well as local support groups across the country.
Secular Organizations for Sobriety - [From their website] SOS is a nonprofit network of autonomous, nonprofessional local groups dedicated solely to helping individuals achieve and maintain sobriety. There are groups meeting in many cities throughout the US and other countries.
Secular Student Alliance - A national organization that sponsors campus clubs for atheist, agnostic, secular, and freethinking college students.
The Secular Therapy Project - A service to connect secular individuals with understanding and compassionate counselors and psychologists across the country.