Advocacy Products

Secular Holiday Cards
The holiday season can be a time when atheist students feel the most isolated, misunderstood, or personally conflicted. Though these students do not subscribe to the underlying religious "reasons for the season," many do appreciate the sentiments often associated with the holiday season (e.g., love, peace, family, friends, celebration).

Therefore, we encourage you to celebrate the holidays in secular style with these delightful cards, designed by Sam Nix, which highlight key facts extracted from our review of the scholarly literature. Four cards are available via the links below. Simply click to download, make sure to print double-sided on your favorite paper, cut out along the dotted lines, and share the holiday spirit! Click the image for PDF, or the link below each for an editable DOC.

 Heathen's Greetings
Supporting Atheist Students: Voices from Campus
This podcast is produced by Allison Peters and features the stories of college students and alumni who identify as atheist. Listen to all episodes here or listen to the first episode below.

Higher Ed Scholar in Training: The Atheist 2.0 Project
This website, curated by V. Chunoo, gathers resources for current and prospective college students who identify as atheist.
 The Atheist 2.0 Project